pahuway : pause and breathe

2 min readNov 18, 2024



Pahuway = a rest, a pause, a temporary stop.


We are so eager to strive towards our goals and dreams and doing hard to become the person we long to be that we lose sight of the precious moments that make up our present.

Have you ever felt so consumed by the desire for success that you sometimes neglect that your parents are getting older too? Your siblings are growing too?

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed you forget to enjoy the moments right in front of you?

Have you ever felt so fearful about the future that you forgot about the beauty of the now?

In this fast-paced world, with so many expectations and demands put upon us, it’s okay to feel consumed by anxiety, fear, what-ifs, what could’ve been, but it’s okay too to take a moment to pause and catch your breath.

When I feel like the next day, the next week, or even the next moments would be too overwhelming, I would always keep this in mind:

Each breath I take is a reminder that I am not just here to exist or to survive, but to live in the fullest with this once in a lifetime experience.

It’s not just always struggles and pain, but also feeling loved — to give love, to enjoy, to explore, to do new things, to be happy, to inhale.

There’s nothing wrong with slowing down, appreciating the small moments of joy, and embracing the beauty of everything.

Life is like a mesmerizing view.

With rolling terrain, a canvas of blue

Seize the moment. No need to sprint.

Just pause to catch your breath and let it in.

If life gets hard, remember to pause and breathe, okay?





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