We all have our own versions of ‘the one that got away’ whether it’s a person we loved, a dream we never achieved, or a goal we never got.
Life takes us down unexpected paths, and we’re forced to let go of things we never wanted to give up. There are times when we just have to accept that it wasn’t meant to be.
It doesn’t mean we wanted to let go, but rather that we had no choice… and it’s never been easy.
Letting go is a form of strength, even when it feels like a weakness. Every ending signifies a fresh beginning.
It takes courage to accept that something is beyond our control and to move on instead of dwelling on what could have been.
Life is always “it is what it is.”
You have to lose something in order to truly appreciate its worth.
And sometimes, the only path to real happiness is to let go and the things that come into our lives can be just as beautiful as the ones that left.