but who am i without my medals?

1 min readJun 14, 2024


How can I explain to them that the once passionate and top-achieving student they knew is now just a burned-out and exhausted student?

How do I convey that the fire for learning and success that once burned brightly within me has now been reduced to embers?

I feel like a failure who let down everyone who had high hopes for me, including myself.

I was once known as intelligent, blessed, fortunate, and an achiever. People even went as far as comparing themselves to me, wishing they were in the same position.

But now, I feel like a different person. It has drained my energy and motivation.

I still perform good, but not to the same extent as before. People used to looked up at me, but now I find myself looking up to them, hoping to find the motivation and inspiration to get back to my former self.

I can’t entirely blame myself for the person I have become, as there are reasons why I turned out this way.

I hope I can rediscover the old version of myself that was once filled with passion. I want to return to my former self, who was fearless and thriving to become better.

