being loved is being known

1 min readJun 13, 2024


20th century (2022)

“You love this color, right?”

“You make that face when you are excited”

“Look, I brought you your favorite drink”

These details are not just small… they are more than that.

Knowing my favorites, remembering my dislikes, recognizing my expressions of joy, and bringing my preferred things-show the meaning of being loved.

Love is not just about extravagant efforts but rather the tender attention given to you. It’s about how deeply they know you, how they understand you, how they focus on every details about you…

It’s amazing how they see you through, isn’t it?

In the end, it’s the little things that matter most-the quiet moments of understanding, the small gestures, and the comfort found in being truly known. It’s in these moments simple yet profound ways we express and receive it.

Love, at its core, is about every detail speaks volumes of affection.

